Recruitment and Selection Services

Recruitment and Selection Services

Looking for new employees? JobsInEgypt is your reliable partner in the field of recruitment and selection. We supply energetic professionals who are at the heart of society. JobsInEgypt takes care of the entire recruitment and selection of your new employee. Curious how we can help you in your search for a new talent? Then read on or contact us immediately.

What is recruitment and selection?

Recruitment and selection is finding, selecting and hiring new employees. That process takes time, and it often takes a lot of effort to find the right professional. That is why, as a public organization, you can also choose to outsource recruitment and selection. We are happy to take the entire recruitment and selection process off your hands. Read more about the benefits of outsourcing recruitment and selection to JobsInEgypt below.

Recruitment and selection through JobsInEgypt

JobsInEgypt arranges recruitment and selection for different sectors. We focus on candidates who are curious to apply, but are not yet actively looking. We bring these candidates and our vacancies together in an innovative way. When the recruitment procedure is completed, we select the candidates based on the skills and experience you require.

Step-by-step plan for recruitment and selection

JobsInEgypt HR team is committed to your recruitment in a creative and proactive manner. Our consultants and recruiters bring your vacancy to the attention of the right people. This way you can quickly find the candidate that suits your organization!

We follow the following four steps:

  • After a CV selection, we invite the best candidates for an introductory meeting, during which we test their qualities.
  • We offer you three to five candidates for each hiring request.
  • You select which candidates you invite for a job interview, where we take care of communication with the candidate.
  • Once you decide which is the perfect fit talent, you can start your hiring process.

Interested to become your trusted recruitment partner?

We are looking forward for building long term business partnership with you.