What Does a Cloud Engineer Do?

What exactly is a Cloud Engineer and what does the position look like?

A term you hear more and more often: Cloud Engineer. But what does he or she actually do? A Cloud engineer mainly helps organizations with the transition to the cloud. You can read exactly what you are doing in this article!


What is a Cloud Engineer?

A Cloud Engineer is very similar to the position of a network or system administrator . These functions are just much broader. A Cloud engineer focuses entirely on cloud solutions aimed at, for example, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure . He or she knows all the latest technologies and is a specialist in delivering innovative cloud solutions.


What does a Cloud Engineer do?

As a Cloud Engineer you are responsible for analyzing, designing and developing cloud solutions. You ensure proper installation and operation of the cloud environments. You support customers with the transition to cloud environments and then carry out work to ensure continued smooth operation.

Together with an Agile development team, you ensure the development of various laaS and PaaS environments. Through multidisciplinary teams and consultations, you work closely together to ensure the quality, security and stability of the systems. The tasks and responsibilities vary per position, but in general you are responsible for:

  • Designing and developing cloud software
  • Migrate applications to, from and on platforms
  • Writing code in often one specific programming language
  • Build, test, deploy and maintain applications.
  • Using APIs, command line interface and SDKs.
  • Implementing security measures
  • Monitor experiences, test and implement edits.


What do you need to be able to do in this position?

As a Cloud Engineer, it is important that you have good knowledge of IT infrastructures and system management to be able to perform your role properly. It is also important that you are familiar with techniques such as: laaS, Paas, app services, VSTS, ACS, ARM templates, Powershell, CI/CD, Cosmos DB and SQL.

You are expected to be aware of the latest innovations and current issues in the field of cloud environments. In addition, you can work well together within an Agile development team and you are not afraid to show initiative.