What Does a Full Stack Developer Do?

A Full Stack Developer is a true jack-of-all-trades in the world of software development.

This developer controls both the front-end (the visible parts of an application that users experience directly) and the back-end (the underlying systems that keep the application running). The profession therefore combines the skills of a Frontend Developer with those of a Back-end Developer.

So what does a Full Stack Developer do on a daily basis? Well, the tasks can vary greatly depending on the project or company. You could spend one day programming server logic and databases and the next day working on the interactive elements of the website. In short, no day is the same in the life of a Full Stack Developer. Read on in this article to find out what exactly a Full Stack Developer does.


What is Full Stack development?

Full Stack development covers the complete spectrum of software development, from the visual interface that users interact with (the front-end) to the underlying systems that keep everything running (the back-end). The term "stack" refers to the collection of technologies that a developer masters and uses in his or her work. This is also called a 'technology stack'.

A Full Stack Developer is therefore someone who can handle the entire range of technologies required for a project. This usually includes data management technologies, server management, and user interface development. Some popular combinations of these technologies, or 'stacks', are:

  • LAMP stack: this stands for Linux (operating system), Apache (web server), MySQL (database) and PHP (programming language), all brought together through the use of JavaScript.
  • MEAN stack: This stack uses MongoDB (database), Express (server framework), AngularJS (front-end framework) and Node.js (server platform), and is often combined with JavaScript.
  • Django stack: This uses Django (a framework written in Python), Python itself, and MySQL, with an integration of JavaScript for dynamic interactions.

"Full Stack development is a discipline within software development that covers two main areas of (web) applications: front-end and back-end development. Unlike specialists who only focus on one aspect, Full Stack developers control both the front and back of the application. Back-end development focuses on the server side, the part of the application that works behind the scenes. This layer, which users don't see, includes server logic, data management, and systems integration. It ensures that everything the user does on the front end is processed correctly. Front-end development, on the other hand, is concerned with the user interface and the user experience. This is the visual part of the application that users interact with directly, such as web page design, interactive elements, and overall style. It uses technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make web content dynamic and accessible. To develop a seamless and functional application, good cooperation between front-end and back-end is essential. This collaboration ensures that the aesthetic elements perfectly match the underlying technical functionalities."


What is a Full Stack Developer?

A Full Stack Developer is often seen as an all-round software developer who can tackle both the front and back of an application. Although they are not expected to be absolute experts in all technologies of both back-end and front-end, it is important that they have a thorough knowledge of both domains.

In practice, the role of a Full Stack Developer can vary depending on the organization in which they work. It is often thought that a Full Stack Developer spends time equally on both front-end and back-end tasks, but this is not always the case. In many companies, the Full Stack Developer participates in every aspect of the development process, but in daily practice may focus more on back-end or front-end work, depending on the project or the team's needs.


What does a Full Stack Developer do?

A Full Stack Developer is responsible for developing websites and/or applications from start to finish. He or she is an all-rounder who has knowledge of developing both the front and back of the software. The end goal? A flawless user experience from the front page to the underlying systems.

The role of a Full Stack Developer can vary depending on the organization, but their core responsibilities generally include the following:

  • Development and implementation: starting up and developing websites, applications or software from scratch.
  • Programming: writing code for both the user interface (front-end) and the server side (back-end) in various programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, Python, Ruby, or PHP.
  • Debugging: Finding, diagnosing, and fixing software errors or bugs to improve functionality.
  • Server and database management: Set up and manage servers and databases that support the back-end, optimizing data storage and server responsiveness.
  • Testing: Continuous testing of the software to ensure quality and user experience.
  • Architectural design: determining the structure of the website, application or software, taking into account both technical performance and user interaction.
  • Database development: designing, building and maintaining databases that form the backbone of the applications.
  • Code conversion: Converting graphical designs into functional code, which means seamlessly integrating visual designs with server-side logic.