What Does a Java Developer Do?

What exactly is a Java Developer and what does the position look like? There are many different types of jobs within IT and as a Developer you can go in many different directions. For example, you can work as a Software Developer, but you can also specialize and choose a position as a Java Developer...
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What Does a Lead Developer Do?

As a Lead Developer you are an experienced and driven professional in the field of software development. But what exactly does the position of Lead Developer entail and what responsibilities does it entail? In this article you will discover everything you need to know about this important role in the IT sector...
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What Does a Machine Learning Engineer Do?

What exactly is a Machine Learning Engineer and what does the position look like? Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced data analysis play a major role within organizations. The role of a Machine Learning Engineer is important - they are at the intersection of software engineering and data science...
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What Does a PHP Developer Do?

What exactly is a PHP Developer and what does the position look like? A PHP Developer - also called a PHP developer - specializes in developing software in the PHP programming language. Curious about what exactly this entails and what tasks and responsibilities apply to this position? You can read that ...
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What Does a Product Owner Do?

What exactly is a Product Owner and what does the position look like? Product Owners play an important role during every development cycle. Their role can include various tasks, from business strategy to product design. The implementation is different for every organization, but a Product Owner is always responsible for maximizing the products...
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What Does a Python Developer Do?

What exactly is a Python Developer and what does the position look like? Python is a programming language that you hear more and more people talking about. And that is not for nothing. It is one of the most used languages ​​in web application development and Data Science ...
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What Does a Ruby Developer Do?

What exactly is a Ruby Developer and what does the position look like? Ruby is a programming language designed in such a way that it is free of surprises and barriers. Unlike many other programming languages. It is very popular among organizations these days because of its readability and simplicity, which gives it higher productivity ...
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What Does a Scrum Master Do?

What exactly is a Scrum Master and what does the position of Scrum Master look like? The Scrum Master is one of the roles we know from the Scrum methodology. A methodology that is characterized in practice by creating software or products in a flexible way. This way of working is not only reflected in software development, but can ...
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What Does a Software Developer Do?

Software Developers are not only coding experts but also creative minds behind software development. They are involved in the entire software development process: from concept to maintenance, where they often specialize in certain programming languages ​​or sectors such as .NET, Java, or Python ...
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What Does a Software Tester Do?

Software testing is more important than ever before and has become a professional discipline within many organizations. Logical, because almost no organization can afford long-term stagnation of their business processes as a result of incorrectly functioning software ...
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